Print your photos | Signature Books

Now that a new year has come, I decided to make a new sample book, and timing was perfect because the awesome lab that I work with just launched a new line of books, the Signature Book. I decided to go with Jessica and Caleb’s wedding, since I had just designed their books, and it didn’t hurt that they used my favorite color. It was a sunny spring wedding, with an outside ceremony and a barn reception, wild flowers and lovely people. If you’d like to see more, you can go to the blog post of their wedding.

I love the way it turned out, so I thought I’d share a few photographs of what it looks like, together with photographs of the other sample Albums I already had. They are here waiting for my next meeting :).

Because I love books and albums, I offer a lot of options so that everybody can find the right one for them. Here’s a short comparison between a 10×10 leather Signature Album, the new 10×8 linen Signature Book, an 8×8 silk Signature Album and an adorable little 5×5 Book (that’s actually mine and not a sample).

The biggest difference between Books and albums is that Books are printed in press paper, while the Albums are printed in photographic paper, and then matted which makes the pages a lot thicker and gives them a nice weight. For example the little 5×5 Book on the top and the 8×8 Album under it have the same amount of pages.

There’s even more sizes, but these are my favorites.

One thing I love about the Signature lines, is that since there is no gap between the pages, you can make beautiful pictures that go beyond one page. So even though an 8×8-inch Album is not that big, you can have a full spread image that is 8×16 inches like the one below.

There’s also different cover options depending on the kind of book and album you choose. Here’s a closer look at the silk, linen and distressed leather covers.

I hope this helps, but there’s nothing like actually holding them. So if you are interested, you are always welcome to visit my office to go through them, talk about your wedding, and ask any question you may have, just send me an email when you are ready!